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P&C Term 1 Update from Execs...

End of Term Update from DEPS P&C Executive Team... Dear P&C Members, Volunteer Parents and Carers, We hope everyone’s been well during Term 1 and looking forward to taking it easy over the school holidays. Due to on-going concerns over the Covid spread across our school community we have not had much opportunity to gather as a community in Term 1 as we had hoped with events such as Ride2School and Harmony Day Breakfast. However, we are confident we will find a safe-balance so we can resume social and fundraising events in the upcoming months! In the meantime, here's a quick update on P&C activities in Term 1 whilst we look forward to seeing you all again in Term 2: P&C execs have been busy putting together the 2022 P&C Budget in consultation with school and compiling the P&C Parents Survey results which was held during Week7-8. We’ve had more than 70 responses which is a decent response rate! We will be sharing the Budget and Survey results at our Term 2, Week 4 P&C Meeting. Some of you would have noticed our School Newsletter has undergone a make-over (platform change to MS Sway), and as part of that our P&C section is having some formatting issues. We are continually working with our school to try and sort it out. Events - We welcomed new Kindy Parents with Morning Tea in week 3. Ride2School and Harmony Day brekky could not go ahead due to concerns over increasing Covid community spread. Planning is under way for Mother’s Day Stall in Week 2, Term 2 with new and exciting products already stocked up and ready to be sold! Anyone who’d like to help, please email us Class Parent Reps - All classes now have their Class parent rep assigned and Class List established, except for Hart and Ollie (K-6). We want to thank all those parents/carers that are volunteering as this year’s Class Representative. Canteen - our new Canteen Manager, Frank has settled into his new role with great support from Lenore, Amy, Lisa & Lisa and our volunteer parents Susie, Moo-young and our school. He’s now exploring some new menu ideas and specials so keep a lookout in the coming months! 2nd hand uniform shop (Cottage shop)- Olivia has hit the ground running selling many stocks to eager parents in the first half of the Term. Unfortunately due to heavy rain causing mould growth in the shop, it is currently closed until further notice while we wait for school to investigate options on what can be done as the mould spread is significant. Music program - Band practices and music lessons have resumed in Term 1 on-site at school! "Student & Parent Experience Directorate" and Have Your Say - Have you heard about the new Student and Parent Experience Directorate? It’s a new NSW Department of Education initiative focusing on helping increase parent and carer engagement in their child’s schooling, led by Susan Jeffrey. This is something we as parents should all take an interest in. They have launched a “Have Your Say” website for parents/carers to provide your feedback in helping them create a new engagement framework. CLOSING DATE for Participation is 30 April 2022, so check it out and provide your feedback now at: Finally….. After two years or more of COVID restrictions and not being able to fundraise or gather together more, we are excited to get back into planning and coming up with some new ideas to bring our community together again. We have all missed being in school, meeting new parents and sharing special milestones with our children. Therefore we are calling out to any event enthusiasts to contact us to volunteer as our Events Co-ordinator! Also, we are always seeking parents to take an active part in shaping our P&C and work closely with our School Execs to represent our wonderful community. Just drop us an email if you or your friend may be interested! Check Out: To see the Latest News, here’s our P&C Newsletter for Week 10: Wishing all our families a Happy Easter and safe holidays! Kind Regards P&C Executive Team (Eunjee K, Damian J, Dennis K, Andrew K, Ming C, Kate S, Tom L, Eunice C, Julie K, Agnes K)


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